Program Review
The Process
All programs at Chicago State University are reviewed on a cyclical basis, currently
every seven years. New programs undergo a progress report three years following program
inception. This process follows the Illinois Board of Higher Education Guidelines for Review of Existing Units of Instruction, Research, and Public Service
As the guidelines indicate, “ . . . academic program review is a critical and constructive
process whose essential elements are documentation of learning outcomes and identification
of actions for program improvement.”
Programs up for review are notified prior to each academic year of the review schedule
and reporting deadlines.
Department Chairs of the programs undergoing review and their Deans receive the Program
Review Report Guidelines, template and data tables. All program faculty should participate
in the preparation of the report.
The Program Review Committee meets each term to review submitted reports and make
recommendations to the Provost and President. There are several possible recommendations,
including the program:
- is in good standing standing.
- should undergo priority preview.
- should be recommended for elimination.
Life Cycle of an IBHE-Authorized Academic Program
The Committee presents its recommendations to the Provost and President, along with
the full Program Review Report. The President, along with the Provost, makes the final
decision on program review recommendations.
A program may be asked to resubmit a priority review report that demonstrates the
program has addressed identified weaknesses. A program may be given a particular goal
to meet for enrollment or the number of degrees conferred within a particular time
frame. Priority review options are developed in consultation with the program Chair,
the Provost, and the President.
College deans also may ask that particular programs be put on the Program Review schedule
for accelerated or additional review.
Programs recommended for elimination are forwarded to the Program Elimination Committee,
whose members are elected in accordance with established contractual provisions. The
Office of Academic Affairs convenes the committee and provides all available data
on the program to the committee. The Program Elimination Committee makes a recommendation
to the Provost. The Board of Trustees makes the final decision. Faculty, chairs, and
deans may not eliminate programs in their colleges without going through the Program
Review and Program Elimination processes.